Building The Community Together.


The National African & Black Association (NABA) is a non-profit organisation limited by guarantee established in the UK to be the umbrella organisation bring together African and Black organisations to advocate for the rights, concerns and access for the Black community. At the same time work towards creating wealth for its members by creating empowerment , creating jobs, promoting entrepreneurship and setting up consortiums of African and Black Businesses in Scotland and the UK.

NABA's also work towards promoting access to education, employment, healthcare, and justice for African and Black people while addressing systemic issues such as racism, stereotyping, and limited accessibility to services.



Our Services


Working with you to address your concerns and issues at the same time empowering you and moving the community from poverty.



Advocacy refers to the act of supporting or arguing for a cause, policy, or group of individuals. It involves championing the rights and needs of those who may not have a voice or the means to represent themselves.

NABA work towards providing advocacy support and sign posting to services that have the expertise you might need.

Equity & Justice

NABA works towards addressing the concerns and issues from victim families and individuals to achieve justice, accountability and fairness. We do this via working with law firms and partner organisations though advocacy and collaboration.

Community groups and organisation

NABA welcomes community groups, charities and organisations, to work in partnership and deliver a better service for our communities.

Networking and Workshop events

NABA promotes the International Day of the African Child on 16th June 2025

We are kindly encouraging all Schools and Councils to participate. Please contact NABA for information if needed.

NABA is working with the African and Black Community to host it first ever community African Market in Edinburgh and Glasgow. To promote Community wealth and cooperation in the community.

NABA Kitchens (Promoting small African food business)

NABA is working with African and Black individuals working in the Care sector to create understanding and empowerment within the Care community

List of small Black Business

NABA working toward promoting Training and Educational Development for long term sustainability

Evening Events

NABA upcoming fund raising events

14th February 2025 Valentine dinner event in Edinburgh at the Greyfriars Charteris Centre, Time 7:00pm

Based in Scotland